Patty Saveurs

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Rhubarb Curd Pinterest

Rhubarb curd recipe! Learn how to make rhubarb curd and use it as a filling for any pastries, choux pastry, cupcakes, a topping for cookies, as a dip or as a spread, etc. Rhubarb curd is as sweet as lemon curd and truly delicious.

Rhubarb curd is made from the released water gathered after gently simmering chunks of rhubarb. Fresh or frozen rhubarb can be used, I used frozen.

This recipe makes for 2 1/2 mason jars (2 cups – 500 ml), it is quite a tall order and you could easily halve the ingredients unless you have a large family or plan to use it for a crowd. Rhubarb curd only keeps 5 to 6 days maximum.

To make this rhubarb curd, you will need 2/3 cups of rhubarb juice. If you are left with more juice than 2/3 cups don’t use the leftover to make the curd, it would be too runny, rhubarb juice makes for a delicious drink (you might want to sweeten it a bit) or you can use it to flavor a yogurt.

I just did away with the dried pulp, I found it too dry and fibrous to eat, you try it and decide for yourself.

If you like this kind of desserts, you might be interested by my Surprise Lemon Pudding or my Salted Caramel Chocolate Mousse, click on my "Sweet" category for more sweet treats.

  • 2 cups
  • Easy
  • 1 h 00

Recipe :


8 oz. (1 cup / 230 g.) rhubarb, without leaves, cut in small chunks

2/3 cup sugar (160 g.)

4 eggs

4 oz. (8 tbsp. / 115 g.) butter, cut in small chunks, at room temperature


Into a small saucepan, add the rhubarb chunks, barely cover with water, bring to boil then simmer gently on medium/low heat for about 20 minutes until the rhubarb has rendered all its water

Put a mesh strainer over a measuring jug and drain the rhubarb, you will need 2/3 cups of juice only, use the leftover juice as a drink or to flavor a yogurt. Let cool until lukewarm

Into a small saucepan over medium/low heat, add the rhubarb juice, sugar and eggs, whisk together constantly until the liquid thickens, this process can take 10 to 15 minutes

Put a mesh strainer over a medium bowl and strain the curd to gather any pieces of cooked eggs, add the butter to the curd and stir until completely melted

Cover with plastic wrap right on the curd, let cool, then chill a minimum of 2 hours, the curd will thicken while chilling

Store into lidded jars or plastic containers in your fridge for a maximum of 5 to 6 days


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Love this, will be using it as a seafood glaze on Salmon with pomegranate, also can’t wait to make a rhubarb creme brûlée with a topping of fresh berric

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Thanks so much Cindy, I'm looking forward to reading your recipes, yummy!

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I haven`t tried it yet .would like to know if it can be frozen

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Hello Helene, I haven't tried freezing a curd myself but from National Center for Home Food Preservation, you may freeze any cooled curd up to a year, thawing into fridge overnight without any quality change. Happy Sunday!

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