Patty Saveurs

Everyday and Special Occasions Homemade Meals

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Classic Plum (mirabelle) tart with hazelnuts, delicious!

A simple fruit tart is always delicious, and plums are a good alternative to apple or pear… At my supermarket, I find them frozen, halved and pitted, ready to use. Isn’t that swell?

If you are using frozen plums, I would advise to let them thaw completely, or else they would release too much water in addition to their juice. Also, it is better to sprinkle your pastry dough with a little flour, and personally I like to add hazelnut flour to absorb the fruit juice.

  • 8 servings
  • Easy
  • 2 h 30 

Recipe :

Ingredients :

1 puff pastry dough

1.3 lb (600 g) frozen or fresh plums

5 tbsp. sugar separated

1 tsp. flour

3 tbsp. about hazelnut meal or caramelized hazelnut meal (click here for my recipe)

2 tbsp. cinnamon powder separated (optional)

1 tbsp. (20 g.) butter

Make plum tart: 

Thaw plums at room temperature for about 1 hour into a colander, you can rinse them with cold tap water to accelerate the process. If plums are fresh, halve and pit them

Pre-heat your oven at 350°F (180°C)

Have your puff pastry dough ready and very cold

Spread puff pastry, sprinkle it with the flour, then hazelnut meal or caramelized hazelnut meal (click here for my recipe), then two to three tbsp. sugar, then 1 tbsp. cinnamon, but if you are using caramelized nuts, I would leave out the cinnamon

Arrange plums tightly.

Sprinkle again some sugar and caramelized nuts or cinnamon

Add a few chunks of butter here and there

Into the oven for 50 to 60 minutes until puff pastry is golden and crispy

Let cool for about 30 minutes on a wired rack


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